The Sankara duo was born in 2009 between the halls of the University of Chile and on a trip to Patagonia. Formed by the charanguista Fernanda Mosqueda and the guitarist Felipe Valdés, Sankara has a focus on Latin American root music of written and popular oral tradition as well as their own compositions. In 2011 they released their first album, Sombra, focused on both string instruments and songs, offering a sample of the Latin American repertoire, with pieces of traditional folklore, others de Victor Jara, the charanguista Horace Duran, Elizabeth Morris y Pablo López ( Merken), as well as compositions by the duo themselves. Sankara broadened their scope with the album De piojos a Cucharas (2013), with compositions by Violeta Parra, Rolando Alarcon and Gonzalo Ramos (also from Merken). Their third release is Parecerias (2017). Both Mosqueda and Valdés are promoters of the meeting of charango players "De charango y otros Hierbas" and are teachers and founders together with other musicians of the Merkén Popular Workshop.